Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Dan Skuta - Business Investing Tips

Dan Skuta is a business investor and owner with a positive reputation, and he’s passionate about succeeding in his endeavors. He started his current efforts when he suffered a career-ending injury nine seasons in as an NFL player. Today, he’s a seasoned investor with holdings in multiple states.

Business Investing Tips

Ready to join business investors like Dan Skuta? Great! If you approach it with care, this can be a step toward financial freedom. Do as much research as possible before investing and use tips like those below to help:
  • Avoid overhyped companies with big promises. Be wary of deals and opportunities that sound too good to be true. Instead, look for business owners whose projections are grounded in reality.

  • Meet the owners. There’s truth in the cliché that you should invest in people, not businesses. Meet the people you’ll be dealing with and proceed accordingly.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Dan Skuta - Children’s Football Camps

Dan Skuta is an NFL player who retired from his sports career and shifted his focus to investing and business ownership. 

The end of his time as an NFL player came when he suffered an acute injury during his preseason with the Chicago Bears and required hip replacement surgery.

Where many people wouldn’t have looked back at the sport, Mr. Skuta now hosts and volunteers at children’s football camps.