Sunday, April 21, 2019

Dan Skuta former Cincinnati Bengals Player - Benefits of Community Involvement

Former Jacksonville Jaguar linebacker, Dan Skuta, also played for four seasons with the Cincinnati Bengals, is committed to making his community a better place to live.

Daniel Skuta understands the importance of charity and generosity, and participates in efforts to enhance the community, and improve people’s lives, whenever possible.

As the former Bengals player, Dan Skuta knows, community involvement is undeniably important to the health of local communities everywhere and the act of giving back offers volunteers the following:

Experience: Working alongside others to help others, or to enhance the community, can provide an impressive resume highlight many employers look kindly on.

Fulfillment: Engaging in charitable works provides a level of reward to the volunteer hard to find doing anything else.

Dan Skuta - Business Pursuits

Dan Skuta spent a rewarding nine seasons in the National Football League (NFL), where he played as linebacker for such squads as the Cincinnati Bengals, San Francisco 49ers, Jacksonville Jaguars and Chicago Bears. 

He retired from the league in 2017, and has since sought out quality business investment opportunities across the country.
Currently, Dan Skuta:
  • Manages both the Sack Francisco and Sacksonville t-shirt brands.
  • Oversees investments in two Limon Rotisserie restaurants, including locations in California and Hawaii.
  • Owns a 700-acre ranch in Texas—one that caters to hunting groups and corporate retreats.
  • Partly owns a CBD oil production company in California.
He retired from the league in 2017, and has since sought out quality business investment opportunities across the country.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Dan Skuta former Cincinnati Bengals Player - Getting Involved

Former Jacksonville Jaguars linebacker, Dan Skuta (who also played for the Cincinnati Bengals for four seasons) is committed the health and strength of his local community. 

Most recently a professional football player with the Chicago Bears, Daniel Skuta has always understood the importance of giving back, as it’s the service and dedication of volunteers that make non-profits and worthwhile local causes such a successful support network.

There are numerous ways to improve the lives of others and make your community a better, safer place to live for future generations, including:

Food Drives

Organizing or volunteering your time in local food drives is a great way to make a difference in the lives of hungry families throughout your community.

Neighborhood Clean Up

Donating your time to local litter clean-up efforts helps to beautify and improve local playgrounds, streets, parks and public areas.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Dan Skuta - Creating a Stronger Brand

Retired NFL linebacker Dan Skuta built two football-related brands—Sacksonville and Sack Francisco—from the ground up, and has transformed these brands into household names among two notable NFL markets.

And as someone with brand-building experience, Dan Skuta understands how challenging it can be to create a brand that truly resonates with the target audience—as well as the principles key to overcoming these challenges.

Principles of building a stronger, more impactful brand include:
  • Researching the marketplace. A thorough audit of your competition and the intended market can help inform how best to shape and refine your brand to make the most impact.
  • Answering key brand questions. Sitting down and answering such questions as “what problem is your brand solving?”, “what is the best attribute about your product/service?”, and “if you’re brand were a person, who would it be?” can help you better define your brand’s personality. 

Friday, April 5, 2019

Dan Skuta, former Cincinnati Bengals Player: What is an Undrafted Free Agent?

Former Jacksonville Jaguars linebacker who also spent four seasons playing for the Cincinnati Bengals, Dan Skuta, began his career in the NFL as an undrafted free agent (UDFA).

Former Cincinnati Bengals player, Daniel Skuta, explains that undrafted free agents are often in high demand just as soon as the last draft pick is made. It is no surprise that NFL teams are always in search of the next "diamond in the rough," trying to take advantage of talent that was perhaps overlooked or ignored during the pre- and mid-draft process.

As soon as the draft is complete, NFL teams are given the go-ahead to seek out and sign as many undrafted free agents as they wish; players who are subject to the same wage scale as draft picks (around $465,000).

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Dan Skuta - Behaviors Essential to Safe Boating

Dan Skuta enjoys the outdoor activities of fishing, hunting and riding four-wheelers—activities he finds time for when and wherever possible. 

A business investor and entrepreneur, Skuta has enjoyed fishing and hunting from the time he was a child—and continues to find a certain level of relaxation and escape in the opportunity to take advantage of what the outdoors has to offer.

Among those outdoor activities Dan Skuta enjoys is boating—something that is best done by adhering to the basic principles of boating safety. Such principles include:

  • Having the right gear. Ensuring you have everything from buckets and ropes to whistles, flashlights, life jackets and fire extinguishers is key to being adequately prepared for an emergency. 

  • Keeping your life jackets up-to-date. Equipping your boat with updated, Coast Guard-approved life jackets for each passenger is paramount to boat safety.
  • Knowing the weather. It’s important to research and know the weather forecast before beginning any journey.